Friday 19 October 2012

Days 11 and 12 Green River to Blanding via Moab

I am going to do this post slightly  out of sequence
Starting with an amusing encounter with 2 nice people in the information centre in Blanding - very much a Mormon Town - this is Utah - but many Navajo Indians around too. Anyway we went in to get information about a hotel and found out how this town acquired its name in very unusual circumstances!

We knew before we left Green River that we were going to have our first bit of bad weather in the two weeks since I arrived - but I was not prepared for ewhat hit us on the road!

When the sun came out we headed on to another National Park called The Arches just before Moab City. This place featured some amazing rock formations.

But the thunderstorm struck again 

We overnight in Moab City

Where Bob gives me my first introduction to Indian Culture, Crafts and Art. - more on that later.

We find a shop here to replace my lost motorcycle gloves and the guy in the shop advises us to retrace our steps the next day for a lovely ride through another National Park - Canyonlands.

Video of Canyonlands.

We proceed to Blanding - the town that was really tricked into changing its name to that of the wife of a Philanthropist.          (see video above)

Tomorrow                      - some really interesting stuff on the Navajo Tribe and Reservation


Trip  = 222 miles

Total Mileage to Date  - 1,559 miles

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